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xcaluber Forum Member

Joined: 10 Nov 2004, 22:57 Posts: 31
Posted: Thu 09 Dec 2004 08:16 Post subject: Alert send out by ABSA bank. |
ABSA is the biggest bank in South Africa and they have send out the following alert via email to all their customer: (My copy is in Afrikaans and my next post will have the translation in English. Most Dutch people will understand the Afrikaans post.)
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Hoewel loteryskelmstreke nie algemeen in Suid-Afrika voorkom nie, is dit raadsaam om daarvan bewus te wees, ingeval u een van dié bedrieglike e-posse kry. Dit is maklik om hulle te herken, aangesien die e-pos sal beweer dat u 'n lotery (plaaslik of internasionaal) gewen het. Hulle sal u vra om 'n eisvorm in te vul en kopieë van u ID-boek/paspoort en bestuurslisensie aan te stuur "sodat hulle u ware identiteit kan bevestig".
As u een van dié e-posse kry, MOENIE daarop antwoord nie. As u reeds het, staak onmiddellik alle kommunikasie. As u u persoonlike besonderhede verstrek het, kontak asseblief dadelik u tak om bedrog te voorkom. |
Quote: | Snuffelary-skelmstreke
Om op te som, Snuffelary geskied gewoonlik deur middel van bedrieglike e-posse (in samewerking met 'n vals webwerf), wat voorgee om van u bank of ander instelling afkomstig te wees en wat u versoek om u persoonlike besonderhede te bevestig. Hulle gebruik verskeie maniere om u uit te lok (sien hieronder) om die e-pos oop te maak en dan op die voorsiende skakel te klik.
Ons het die volgende, nuwe, omvattende inligting oor Snuffelary ontvang:
Sodra skelms u inligting uitgesnuffel het, kan hulle u kredietkaart vir ongemagtigde transaksies gebruik, u bankrekening leeg trek of u inligting aan identiteitsdiefstalsindikate verkoop.
Dit is waarna u moet oplet:
1. Misleidende onderwerpreëls:
Dié reëls lyk of dit werklik verband hou met die maatskappy wat kwansuis aan u die e-pos stuur.
2. Vervalste afsendersadres:
'n Maklike misleidingsmetode wat die e-pos laat lyk of dit van die beweerde maatskappy kom.
3. Inhoud wat eg lyk:
Hulle kopieer beelde en teksstyle van werklike werwe ten einde die leser te kul. Vertrouens- en bekragtigingsmerke word gedupliseer en hulle kan selfs egte skakels na die maatskappy se privaatheidsbeleid- en ander bladsye op die egte webwerf hê om die skyn van egtheid te skep.
4. Vermomde hiperskakels ("hyperlinks"):
E-posse kan 'n egte webwerfadres vertoon, maar as u daarop klik, neem die hiperskakel u na 'n ander webwerf. Wees op u hoede vir 'n lang webwerfadres, aangesien dit u na die werf ná die @-simbool sal neem. Voorbeeld: http://www.genuine-site.com-name@fraud-site.com. As u op hierdie hiperskakel klik, sal dit u neem na http:fraud-site.com, aangesien dit na die @-simbool kom.
5. E-posvorm
Hierdie vorms met u persoonlike inligting word gestuur na afgeleë rekenaars, waartoe bedrieërs toegang kry.
Om seker te maak dat u nie deur bedrieërs se snuffelary gevang word nie, moet u:
1. nooit op hiperskakels binne-in e-posse klik nie, kopieer en plak dit liewer na u deurblaaier;
2. gemorsposfilter-sagteware ("SPAM Filter Software") gebruik;
3. antivirussagteware gebruik;
4. 'n persoonlike keermuur ("firewall") gebruik;
5. sagteware (bedryfstelsels en deurblaaiers) opgedateer hou;
6. altyd op die uitkyk wees na "https://" en die slot op webwerwe wat persoonlike inligting verlang;
7. rekenaar skoon en vry van spioenasiesagteware ("Spyware") hou;
8. uself op hoogte hou van bedrieglike aktiwiteite op die Internet;
9. u kredietverslae nagaan en monitor;
10. win advies in - as u nie seker is nie, bel Absa se Internetbankdiens-inbelsentrum by 08600 08600.
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xcaluber Forum Member

Joined: 10 Nov 2004, 22:57 Posts: 31
Posted: Thu 09 Dec 2004 08:48 Post subject: |
Fake Lotteries:
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Although fake lotteries aren't common in South Africa, it is wise to informed about this incase you recieve one of the emails. It is easy to recognise one of these since it will claim that you have won a lottery (International or Local). They will ask you to fill out a claim form and ask you to send copies of your ID-Book/Passport and drivers license "to prove your real identity".
If you receive one of these emails, DON'T reply to it. If you already have, stop all communication. If you have supplied your personal information, please contact your local branch to prevent fraud.
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To summarise, Phishing is done using mails (usually in cooperation with a fake website), that claims to originate from your bank or other institute and asks you to verify your personal information. They use different ways to get you (See later.) to open the email and to then click on the link.
We have received the following, new, comprehensive information on Phishing:
When criminals have phished you information they can use your credit card for transactions, empty your bank account, or sell your information to identity theft syndicates.
What you need to look out for:
1. Misleading emails subjects:
These seem to really have something to do with the company that they are supposed to imitate.
2. Fake sending address:
An easy way of making the email look like it comes from the real company.
3. Contents that looks real:
They copy images and text styles from real websites to dupe the reader. Verification signs are duplicated and they can even include real links to the company's privicy statement on the companies real website.
4. Camoflaged links:
Emails that shows the real link to a website, but when you click on it, it takes you to a different website.
Be aware of long web addresses, since this will lead you to the website after the @-symbol. Example:
http://www.genuine-site.com-name@fraud-site.com. If you click on this link, it will lead you to http://fraud-site.com .
5. Email form:
These forms with your personal information are send to far away computers to which criminals have access.
To make sure no to be caught by criminals' phishing methods do the following:
1. Never click on any hyper links in emails. Rather copy and paste them in your browser;
2. Use SPAM fileter software;
3. Use anti-virus software;
4. Use firewalls;
5. Update software (Operating system and browsers);
6. Always be on the lookout for "https://" and the pad-lock on websites that asks for personal information;
7. Keep your computer free from Spyware;
8. Keep yourself updated on fraudulent activities on the internet;
9. Monitor your credit statements;
10. Get advise from different places and if you aren't sure, please contact ABSA. (www.absa.co.za)
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