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Coffemaker Forum Member
Joined: 18 May 2005, 11:06 Posts: 8 Location: Poland
Posted: Wed 18 May 2005 12:08 Post subject: real history from Amsterdam |
Dear Readers,
Below is the copy the testimony of my trip to Amsterdam.
When you will read this testimony please be informed, that since that time, 4 times they wished repeat their demands for next part of fee, but I had learned from this experience and adviced by local brethren who know all about it, I wrote to them [Ws&FS] warnings and my hard demanding to stop any sending email to me and since two weeks I am free from their liers.
Now follow the copy of this testimony, which I sent also to Christian businessmen organization [not FGBMFI] to put this on their site, as an example how the black mafia is targeting Poland and naived businessmen, special Christians as was with me to warn them.
Today as many of you are interested my Holland’s endevours in Amsterdam from 16.12-18.12.2004,
Now the testimony.
On 19 Nov, I had got the emai from Mr. Mabo Daglash from Zimbabwe who pledged me to help him to take out his money which he got from him murdered by Mugabe regime I Zimbabwe father who was rich farmer over there and he[Mabo] by the help of WorldWide Security and Financess Services Company, which has it’s seat in Amsterdam paying them the big amount of money[220000 USD –fee] to transfer from Zimbabwe to Holland, as the money 22 miliion USD dollars were stamped by Zimbabwe officials, before thy were allowed to be taken off from Zimbabwe to Holland. So this letter by email from Mabo I had got to help him and his attampt to give me his authority to withdraw as new owner this amount 22million USD from Amsterdam. He is a refugge from Zimbabwe and at present he stays in Amstardam to obtain from the Holland’s officials EU refugge status and his desire was to come to Poland to establish Business Company with me as a new owner of his money. I suppose he had got my adress from PeterWhyte as they in Zimbabwe had to have close business contacts with his murdered father.
After my evening prayer in the night from friday 19-20 Now I has got the revelation that me and my wife borned Mabo Daglas as our spiritual son. [Gal 4:19]. The next step was I sent the reply of my agreement for his propose and the reply from him was a Letter of the Authority and contact with WorldWide Security&Financess Services[WS&FS], which sent me to sign the document for to release this amount of money to me and pay to my bank account.The price of the clearance and administation of [WS&FS], was 9500 EUR and my valid passport and they requested me to go to Amsterdam to relase this money to my account.When I had got the fax from them them after my evening prayer I had got another revelation. I saw my journey to Amsterdam on cheap fares airlines, so next day I chosen Sky Europe and prepared my schedule of fly to Amsterdam and counted all costs.The another step was my prayer for the financess on 12.12.2004 for that trip and I had got third revelation which indicated me the man which whom I am to borrow this money. It was 45000 PLN. [10613 EUR].so on monday I went to this man and he borrowed me this sum of money as I showed him the documents from Mabo and WS&FS. The next I had made the reservation of fly on thursday 16.12. having my money beeing payed to my bank account, which from I could take them by abroad by Visa card. after when I had got fourth revelation that I am not allowed cross the border with this amount of cash in my pocket. On wednesday night I had got fifth revelation seeing myself in Cracow. on the train station [close bus station].
So after my preparation and passing my information confidentially,to my wife as the all peoples have long tongues and this amount of money can make big troubles to those who are not trained by the Lord into management the money affairs. And having bus to Cracow at 11.20 am from Skoczów, I was taken by brother small John by his car to Skoczów and reached Cracow an 3 pm. and next I was taken by taxi to Balice airport. At 6 pm my fly began. Now some about spiritual experience during fly to Amsterdam. Crossing the old border between East and West Germany the first infuence came to my mind –the doubts. And after half and hour the another infuence came, but it was other.When I crossed pass control I had got the phone from man from WS&FS. and I told him:”I am going to bankomat to take off 9500 EUR as you demand, so pass to me your representative, who will pick me up to the hotel from airport and I met with him at Arrival One information point, and I took out from two bankomats this amount beeing wet on my head, during this transaction., So I drunk fruit juice and the representative, black man ,took me to Eden Hotel on Amstell Street 144.
It reminded me my arriving to Nigeria Lagos airport at 9.01 1979. He left me over there and I rented room for two nights, and this black man told me that he will pick me up at 8 am tomorrow[friday] to their office[WS&FS].But as I have in common I prayed before sleep and I was awaked by the Holy Spiri at 6 am so after gymnastike and prayer I went to hall to wait for this man. At 8.15 I had got the phone that the representative will come at 9 am so I went to eat breakfast to the hotel restaurant.A 9 am representative, but not the same, but another black man came with his car and confidentially picked me up driving with me to East part of Amsterdam when this institution had their seat. During driving the car suddenly I saw the Bible [the trap?] on the desk of the car and I asked driver if he is a Christian and as he confimed me I spoke to him some versetes from Col 1:27. and gave him my visit card. When we had reached the Company I get off from car and white man opened the doors before me and we entered inside.In the next room sitted another black man and on the wall was hanged African traditional masks.,who welcomed me and we three went upstairs when the director of this institution sitted, asked me the passport and sign the releasing document of my consigment and I was asked to give 9500 EUR to the white man who sitted 5 m on the next desk and he during my conversation with the director he counted this money. I know exactly it was 9500 EUR as I checked twice in the hotel, but this white man told that I gave him only 9400 EUR so I counted it with his presence once more again and it was 9400 EUR.[I suppose this man during my conversation with director take his 100 EUR from this sum specially[tactics] to take me into trap and feel guilty]. But having still peace in my hearth I was again wet on my head so I asked for water and the director after this told me “it is not matter now we will ask you to look at the bag. This black man opened big metalic bag covered in leather, and he did not allow me even touch this bag, but as he opened it I saw inside full packed 100 USD stamped banknots. Next they saw me the way of the clearance. They had a liquid and took out from bag one 100 USD banknot and immersed in that liquid and next sprinkled it by the water and the stamp disapperared. Next the director told me:” take it this 100 USD, go to bank and change to EUR. and if I will be correct give me call, stay and wait three hours in the hotel we will clear out all the money and next we will assist you to the bank so you will paid this 22 miliion USD to your bank asccount as you wish.” So this black man, maybe Christian maybe not, took me to the nearest railway station bank exchange GWK located in Amsterdam Bijmer station and as I came to the exchange I asked the black lady who worked over there where is the bank that I want change USD to EUR and she told me “you can exchange it here, [trap?],so I exchanged it and next called the director that I exchanged money. And the driver brough me to the hotel. I went to bar for cup of coffe tired and mixed in my mind all I saw on my own eyes and sitting there I called Colin Winfield to
England for prayer as I did not know what to do. Some about 20 minutes I walked to the hotel portier and asked him where is an ING Nederland Bank with my desire to put the money to this bank. Just exacly I asked the portier, he began explain to me[but confidentially] about the black mafia in Amsterdam,[Lord put him on my way, I think] which use this methods as He saw many times the same black driver picking up guests from this hotel and told me the story that this Eden hotel is the place when this mafia trappes their victims [as me, but for me it was other reason to open widely their activity as well in natural as well in spriritual [the film “Mission Impossible”]. I felt as an Secret agent and on every circumstise I asked hotel lady for number of the police but the Holy Spirit told me ”Leave it to the Lord, do not deal with the police”, so I left it and walked to the Amsterdam centre to seek ING bank but in vain and unable to find at 3 pm I came back to hotel seeing this town full of the riches of the world, but very miserable as the all men I saw and spoke were behavioured as an authomats and not humans beeing the slaves of sin. When I came back to hotel I felt to rest and sleep a little while. After one an hour resting I had got the two visions in which I saw exactly this Chritian driver pledged me mercy. An another I saw sister of my wife here in Ustroń and I knew instantly in my heart that as quicly as possible I am to go back Poland. Laying still in by bed I had got the call from brother Johan that he with his wife Cathy would came visit me at the hotel at 6.30 pm, so I prepared to their visit and during our Fellowship in hotel’s bar Cathy passed me the Word as I had taken it as from the Lord: ”You can give money away from this you have, and not what you do not have”. I shared with them some of my testimonies telling them that obtain wisdom costed me 9500 EUR but the Word from Proverbs says :”my son, for all cost [material] buy the Wisdom” and after it I explained them that I will cover my lost and pay back my obligation to my friend, having my acress of field for sale 12000 EUR and about 8.30 pm they left hotel and I went to room for wash and prayer and sleep as I had to leave hotel at 7 am tomorrow 18.12, sabbath morning. At night. I had got got at 3 am revelation that they- the mafia men wait on me to the right corner of the hotel, so Holy Spirit advised me “go to the left, turn first street to the left and catch the tram to Central Station and from there to the airport but keep until Balice airport your mobile locked.”When I reached the tram stop at Rembrand place suddenly the young man on bicycle came and begged me for 8 EUR for food but having the Word in my heart passed me by Cathy I told to him” I can give you only 2 EUR, as I had in my pocket 3.60 EUR for tram So I practiced the Word. in my deed in faith. Next on the central station first time in my life I saw a man possessed my demons but the Holy Spirit told me “your mission in Amsterdam is other than casting out the demons, so go and follow your path to the train, do not stop. At 10 am we began fly out from airport as the town was rained than heave clouds runned over the town but instantly as we reached 11 km the beautilul everycoloured blue sky appeared and I began praise the Lord and tears of happiness and joy began flow from my eyes on my face so I had to take use hangerchief. I asked next the Holy Spirit when I am to read my sabbath readings and He told me “at 11 am.,so exactly at 11 am when we flied over Germany no clouds were there but clear air, and every building on the earth was seen from plane and just I was at the end of my study we landed in Balice airport, where one of my best friend -Olek, waited for me with his car, picked me up to the Cracow centre, bus station and bought me some food, put me into bus and bought me the ticked and we warmly embraces and spoke one each other- see you once again. At 5 pm I was back in my home again with my wife who loves me over all and I love her and the childreen were also at home, but becouse yesterday was sabbath and in my custom is to to share nothing about financess and business on the Holy day of the Lord so today 1 day of the week, I am writing this testimony and once more to the hotel Eden- the same as above but a little changed. My feet never again will touch Amsterdam, trap, the seat af the dirties of the world ruling by human law false freedom, making the men slaves of sin and killed them spiritually by making them from humans living computers. During the fly over Germany as I thought on Amsterdam and Berlin the Holy Spirit told me. “Berlin is worse than Amsterdam.” Let everybody who has ears hear what the Lord wish to say though it.
Dear Readers, Please be informed that I had passed brain stroke in 1997 and I was left side totally paralysed, but the Grace of the Lord Jesus arised me up, so I was enabled to make that fly and trip and at present in common is to me climbing the mountains. Although I had losted unrecoverable money, I thank God, that I am alive and was learned one more wisdom in my life.
Yours in His service,
Roman, Poland
_________________ The truth will make us free. |
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Former Member2 *** Account closed at users request***

Joined: 10 Nov 2004, 12:07 Posts: 179 Location: Scotland
Posted: Wed 18 May 2005 17:50 Post subject: |
Hi Coffeemaker,
I am sorry to hear that you lost your money in that way. At least you did not suffer any physical damage because these criminals have been known to lure people to foreign countries where they then kidnap them for ransom or assault them for money.
As to your question about their faith, these scammers are invariably devout Christians. How they manage to reconcile their criminal activities with the teachings of Christ is unknown to us all though.
It is a brave thing to do posting your story here and I hope that others will benefit from rading it. |
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Coffemaker Forum Member
Joined: 18 May 2005, 11:06 Posts: 8 Location: Poland
Posted: Thu 19 May 2005 11:36 Post subject: |
Hi, fungus,
In reply I can not agree with you that they are Christians. They trap peoples apperar to be like as Christians but truly they are not. No Christan having Spirit of Christ in him is able sin or dups any man as the second commandmed of God released by Jesus Chist tells : "you must love your neigbour as youself". But you are righ that I suffered only the money lost and not phisical damage. This is Grace of the Lord not mine, but now I am in constant alert as many fraudsters arised. Life is quite difficult but when we ovecome we have joy. We must encourage one each other.
I wish you many succesess and good health.
Yours in Christ,
Coffemaker, Poland
if you wish more information please do not hesitate write straigh to my email.
When replying to a post please don't quote the entire post. It's unnecessary and wastes bandwidth! Thanks - Q _________________ The truth will make us free. |
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frodo Victim Support

Joined: 12 Nov 2004, 5:47 Posts: 231 Location: Australia
Posted: Thu 19 May 2005 15:49 Post subject: |
The point fungus was making is that these scammers view themselves as Christians. That doesn't mean they have the same view of Christianity as you. Somehow they pervert and twist their beliefs so as to allow them to commit crimes and cause suffering to others, yet it doesn't cause them any crisis of conscience. As he said, this mystifies us. |
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Old Coaster Forum Admin
Joined: 10 Nov 2004, 9:50 Posts: 123 Location: Usually Europe
Posted: Mon 23 May 2005 17:51 Post subject: |
Coffeemaker. Most Scammers believe in the Power of God and Jesus Christ, but they believe that God rewards and punishes us in this life not the hereafter.
If God was not happy with their scamming activities, they would be unsuccessful. The fact that they can make a living by scamming means that God is smiling on their activities. That is why they are continually praising Jesus Christ.
As an atheist, I find all forms of religion strange, but their belief almost seems justified.
OC |
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Coffemaker Forum Member
Joined: 18 May 2005, 11:06 Posts: 8 Location: Poland
Posted: Mon 23 May 2005 18:22 Post subject: reply to OC from coffemaker |
You must know, that on this world affairs in financess are ruling by god of this world, a spirit who works in sons of disbelieve and disobedience. The Kindom of God in this age is limited to spiritual dominion of God on the matters of this world until the phisical rules of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Millenium [1000 years of next age of human race close to us]. Many at present say Lord , Lord, but their deeds are in opposition to the truth, which is written in the Word of God and engrafted by His Spirit in true believer's heart. I was during communism time an atheist also as a member of communist pary in Poland, but after my hearing good news and receiving Jesus into my life and heart as the Lord of my life, I became true believer and I am a living witness of His life in me and power in my personal life. This is not any of religion. I do not like religion as I practiced also Buddism during my studying times on University. Religion kills our spiritual life. Life of Christ, which flow from out of my heart enabled me and empowered to perform the tasks in my life, which no any kind of religion is able to do. This is resurection life of Jesus in me. Now we have many religions on this world and many sects in Christianity, but few are those who have a true life of Christ inside them and live in thuth. I could write more reply but if you wish please contact kme on my email adress.
Best Regards,
coffemaker, Poland _________________ The truth will make us free. |
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Old Coaster Forum Admin
Joined: 10 Nov 2004, 9:50 Posts: 123 Location: Usually Europe
Posted: Mon 23 May 2005 18:34 Post subject: |
Coffeemaker why, when I read your last post, do I see thousands of heretics being burned at the stake?
I regard all forms of religion as a manifestation of mental illness and I am hoping that in the 21st Century, this will finally be recognised by all right thinking people. |
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Coffemaker Forum Member
Joined: 18 May 2005, 11:06 Posts: 8 Location: Poland
Posted: Mon 23 May 2005 19:08 Post subject: |
This is exactly of reason not beeing true Christian with life of Christ inside, as Christ is love, taught love even our enemies, and you look at dark times of so called Christianity from Rome, ruled as a religion named Christianity by spirit of this world who shapes himself to the form angel of light, but he is a liar and his fruits, these were stakes for Hus, Savonarola, others and killer-KKK [surely so called Christians of Dr Martin Luther King in US in 1968. Many Nazis appeared as Christians but I visited three times Auschwitz Nazi capm and saw the fruits of their deeds. You must distinc true from false. It is very difficult theme in this modern world, as was always. We here in Poland had witnesess of those times. Here we have the
memorial place when protestants apperared in Hard Roman Catholic ruled Poland during Martin Luther times in Germany and arising persecutions, which folow it. Religion can appear as mental illness as all kind of fanatism remind this behaviour. Please do not make the mistake, religion is other thing and ressurected life of Christ is other thing. They are in opposition one to another. You are in great mistake if you believe that religion will be recognised so, We, who have the life of Christ in us must be prepared for this. Religion will find its proper place in modern XXI century world as a united organisational corporation of religious thinking kind of peoples and they will cooperate to destroy us the true believers. It is maybe sad view but true. Every human beeing will have to make the choise of the side of the coin evil or good. I will be pleased to guest you here in Poland, so you by your own eyes see the difference.
Best Regards,
cofferoman, Poland
When replying to a post please don't quote the entire post. It's unnecessary and wastes bandwidth! Thanks - Q _________________ The truth will make us free. |
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master shake NEW Forum Member

Joined: 15 Jan 2005, 14:39 Posts: 3
Posted: Tue 24 May 2005 15:54 Post subject: |
I know I'm not supposed to lecture a mod, but can we not turn this off into a religious rant?
EDIT: Coffeemaker. As I am what I refer to as a "relapsed Christian", I think the best advice is to do, as Jesus said "Be gentle as lambs, but wise as serpents." |
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Coffemaker Forum Member
Joined: 18 May 2005, 11:06 Posts: 8 Location: Poland
Posted: Tue 24 May 2005 16:14 Post subject: |
Yes you are correct but the Word says: "be innocent as doves and wise as serpents' It is a little difference. You can surely distict from beeing gentle and beeing innocent, but, by the way you are right. We are to finish religious dispute. Let everyone believe as he wish and get the fruits of his believe. I am not a crusader, but a victim, with my material lost. _________________ The truth will make us free. |
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Q Guest
Posted: Tue 24 May 2005 16:25 Post subject: |
@Coffemaker: I don't know if a lot of people here understand quite what you are getting at. We understand that you have lost some money to scammers and we are here to help and offer advice. If it helps go to your church and ask them for help.
I'm going to lock this thread on the way out. The reason being is that we have a lot of people from different religions and beliefs on this forum and I don't want this to turn in some kind of religous flame war. I fear that the constant quoting from the bible has the potential to offend. If you require any further help don't hesitate to start a new thread in any of the victim support forums, where we would be more than happy to answer any further questions you have. |
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