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bluestar582000 Guest
Posted: Wed 24 Nov 2004 03:01 Post subject: victim of counterfeit cashier's check |
Hi all,
I feel really stupid right now. I was conned for 9700.00. I met him in a chat room on yahoo messenger. ID is Said he was a businessman from New York in Malaysia setting up a new computer company. He was a real sweet talker. He sent me a picture of himself (I am now sure it was a fake picture) very good looking man. Anyway we chatted back and forth for about a month and he said all the right things. Like I love you and when I get back to the states I would love to meet you. Offered me a job as his assistant in his company for 1200.00 a week with benefits. Well, I am a 52 year old woman going through menopause, not that is my excuse, but I am in my sexual peak and my relationship with my husband is great except for that area.
He tells me his name is Eric James Peters and gives me a Malaysia address and phone number. He asked me to buy him some Levi's and Calvin Klein's because they don't sell them in Malaysia. So after another 2 weeks of this I finally agree and give him a PO Box to mail the check to me. Then he writes me and said the company sent me the wrong amount. They were supposed to send me 2000.00 to buy him clothes and ship them there and send him the 10000.00. OK I should have caught on then, but I didn't. I deposited it into my savings account and withdrew it the same day. I am still hating myself for doing this. He asked me to wire him 5000.00 back through western union and I did. Then I bought the clothes and mailed them to him and he picked them up. A couple of days later he asked me to wire him the rest of the money which was another 3500.00. And of course I stupidly did that. Then after all of this he says he is sending me another check for 19,000.
I said I thought this was a one time deal and his answer was it takes him 3 weeks to cash an American check in Malaysia. I told him I was going to refuse it. He started begging me not to and pretending I broke his heart. He said I love you and you don't trust me. So I said OK I still have the check and the police department has a copy of it and the envelope it came in through DHL from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He is still waiting for me to cash the check. Like that will ever happen! The police detective told me to string him along to see if they could do anything. Which of course they can't or won't. They just don't care. I am out the 9700.00 which the check came back from the bank today with fraud written on it. I already knew because when he said he sent me another cashier's check for 19,000.00 I finally smartened up and called my bank. They then told me that the other check was a fake. So now my husband is considering leaving me for what I did and I can't really blame him, but now I have no money to support myself. I had to give my husband the 5000.00 I had in my savings account to start repaying him for the money I lost. I only work seasonal during tax season and make about 3500.00 a year. I don't know what I am going to do now. Sorry for going on so long but I am very depressed that I could be so stupid to fall victim to this. I wish there was a way to stop him from doing this to anyone else. Thanks for listening. Billie from Ohio |
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Cherrie Victim Support

Joined: 10 Nov 2004, 15:40 Posts: 33 Location: Thailand
Posted: Wed 24 Nov 2004 09:10 Post subject: |
Hi Billie.
I finally got over here. This is just to let you know that already many people are busily working away inorder to assist you.
You have already taken the first steps to recovery by sharing your mis fortune. Just thank your'e lucky stars that you discovered this scam when you did. I know that this doesn't seem much consolation to you at the moment...but believe me things could have been a great deal worse.
I am sorry that your husband is unsympathetic towards you at a particular time when you need a shoulder to cry on and you could do with his support the most. Perhaps after he has cooled off he will be more supportive.
As you are now probably aware...these 'scams' are now all too common on the inter-net fast highway, and you are in no way alone in falling victim to their lies and deceit. It is because of innocent people like yourself falling prey, that this board was set up.
We can promise you nothing, the chances of ever actually catching the perpetrators or recovering your stolen money is next to zero. All we can do is offer our help and support and maybe thwart him in his efforts to con other people.
Please feel free to post here anytime...our door is always open. In the meantime rest assured that I and other members will do all we can to find out and pass on as much information as we are able.
Cherrie |
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Old Coaster Forum Admin
Joined: 10 Nov 2004, 9:50 Posts: 123 Location: Usually Europe
Posted: Wed 24 Nov 2004 10:54 Post subject: |
Hi Billie, I am sad to hear how you were taken in by this fraudster.
Firstly, do not feel foolish, these guys are very good at what they do and any one of your friends could have been taken in. All it requires is the correct approach. Money, Love - we are all vulnerable.
Secondly, did the guy ever e-mail you? If he did, can you post the letter with the full header ? (Found by viewing the dropdown "View" menu at the top of your mail window and clicking on the "Show full menus")
That way we can possibly find out from where your scammer was operating.
Old Coaster |
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Q Guest
Posted: Wed 24 Nov 2004 11:25 Post subject: |
Hi Billie!
Welcome to SCAMPATROL! I wish I could welcome you here under different circumstances.
I've read your post and I'm sorry to hear about how you were treated by this scammer. As Old Coaster said don't feel in the least bit ashamed about this, it can happen to the best of us. If I hadn't been lucky enough to learn about how the fake cheque scam worked then chances are I could have fallen for it myself.
These scammers, most of them from Nigeria or with connections to Nigeria are one of the lowest forms of scum on this planet, with perhaps the except of terrorists, but they definately come a close second. Unfortunately as previously mentioned by Cherrie, we cannot help your retreive your money, one the problem with Western Union is its completely untraceable. What we can do however is advise you where to go from here and how to turn your life around.
We hope that you become a regular member here at scampatrol and in time perhaps you can help us help other using your experiences.
Take care
Q |
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bluestar582000 Forum Member
Joined: 24 Nov 2004, 3:04 Posts: 6 Location: Ohio
Posted: Wed 24 Nov 2004 18:33 Post subject: victim |
Thanks everyone for being here for me. I have no one else I can talk to. He only ever e-mailed me one time and that was on October 10th. All I have is a copy of the letter with his supposedly address on it. AOL doesn't save your old mail over 7 days. I wish I had it to send to you. I don't know what to do now. My husband is talking to a woman he works with now. He said he is going to ask her to go to Las Vegas with him. I am so depressed. I really need to find a job with benefits because I have a pacemaker and I really think he is going to leave me. In 2002 he asked me for a divorce for the same woman he is talking to again. I guess he never got over her. She is 20 years younger than him. I fought for our marriage of 17 years, but now it feels like he was just waiting for me to make a mistake so he could go out with her. I have never cheated on him. I was conned into thinking I was in love with this Eric the sammer guy. But of course I didn't really love him. Now I hate him. I may lose everything over this. Thanks for listening. Billie |
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winelight Victim Support

Joined: 11 Nov 2004, 20:13 Posts: 97
Posted: Thu 25 Nov 2004 16:48 Post subject: |
Welcome here and very sorry to hear about your experiences.
No need to feel foolish: these scammers are very good at what they do. |
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xcaluber Forum Member

Joined: 10 Nov 2004, 22:57 Posts: 31
Posted: Thu 25 Nov 2004 21:30 Post subject: |
Welcome and please feel free to ask as many questions as you need to ask. We have 99.99999% of all the answers and those we don't have we will find for you.
If you feel uncomfortable with us or this forum in any way, please let us know so that we can remedy the problem. We are here to help. |
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bluestar582000 Forum Member
Joined: 24 Nov 2004, 3:04 Posts: 6 Location: Ohio
Posted: Fri 26 Nov 2004 20:59 Post subject: request help |
Hi everyone, I was wondwering if someone could take over stringing this guy along? I am under way too much stress to handle this anymore. My husband wants to leave me over this. In fact he already asked a younger woman out. He asked her out 2 years ago when he asked me for a divorce. Then he changed his mind and now he is after her again. I have a lot on my mind right now. I need to find a job with benefits because I have a pacemaker. I am pretty sure our marriage of 17 years will not survive this. But it is all my fault, so I can't blame him. So please can someone take over realguy_222@ Need to find a lawyer I guess. I am broken hearted. Billie |
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Former Member2 *** Account closed at users request***

Joined: 10 Nov 2004, 12:07 Posts: 179 Location: Scotland
Posted: Fri 26 Nov 2004 23:57 Post subject: |
Billie it is *not* your fault. It is the fault of the criminal who defrauded you. I can't advise you on how to save your marriage, only you can do that but perhaps you and your husband could seek some councilling? 17 years of marriage is worth fighting for.
Are you still in contact with this scammer? If so break it off now because he can only lead you to more heartbreak. |
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bluestar582000 Forum Member
Joined: 24 Nov 2004, 3:04 Posts: 6 Location: Ohio
Posted: Sat 27 Nov 2004 17:35 Post subject: counterfeit cashier's check |
I no longer talk to the scammer. I don't even talk to anyone now. I lost my trust. I just was hoping someone could try and stop him from doing it to someone else. Billie |
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bluestar582000 Forum Member
Joined: 24 Nov 2004, 3:04 Posts: 6 Location: Ohio
Posted: Tue 30 Nov 2004 21:23 Post subject: leading a scammer on |
I am allready trying to get this scum from another account, but unfortunately he is not biting. I have another account I could get him from if you would like. But it would require you to contact him at least one more time to tell him your new lawyer "Donivan Lowe" will be handling all further negotiations on your behalf, and that he is advised not to contact you directly any longer.
This would serve two purposes.
1. It gets this scumbag off your back.
2. It would allow me more time to gather information on him.
As it has been repeated on the board several times, you have my deepest sypmathies for your current situation. If going through with this plan to lead the scammer on seems to much for you to deal with, don't worry about it. I will just continue to try and get at him the regular way I have been doing. If you are willing to go through with this just let me know and we will work out the details to send this scum.
Hi I wasn't able to PM you so plese tell me here what you want me to do. Thanks, Billie |
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Q Guest
Posted: Wed 01 Dec 2004 01:27 Post subject: |
Hi Billie. Sorry about the PMs, unfortunately there are some con-artists currently posing as scampatrol and promise to reterieve money lost by victims such as yourself but only intend to scam you out a large adminstration fee for their services. In light of this the admins made the decision to disable PMs on this board. We currently working on a modification so that you will be able to PM admins, mods and scampatrol advisors but we are still we have quite got it working yet! |
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bluestar582000 Forum Member
Joined: 24 Nov 2004, 3:04 Posts: 6 Location: Ohio
Posted: Wed 01 Dec 2004 02:59 Post subject: PM's |
That is ok I understand. I know I would never fall for another scam. I really learned a hard lesson. I hope more people find this board before they get scammed. I sure wish I had.You are all great. Thank you so much for all of your time and advice. Hugs, Billie |
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nelsonsbattle Forum Member
Joined: 01 Dec 2004, 2:21 Posts: 8 Location: New Zealand
Posted: Thu 02 Dec 2004 00:43 Post subject: |
It might make you feel a little better to know that the regular members at this site are also all involved in baiting these scammers. That means we assume a character and reply to the scammer. We lead them on, getting them to waste their time and resources trying to scam us, and all the time they have no time to scam real victims. We don't only get mad about what these scammers do, we get even!
Of course, staying safe is important, so we use a non-traceable free-mail services and never giving out any personal details.
But many of us have frustrated these scammers and made them waste an enormous amount of their time and money. We've made the scammers have silly photos of themselves taken, we've made them travel from one country to another to meet us, we've made them take numerous trips to a Western Union or MoneyGram agency to collect non-existant money transfers, we've made them fall in love with their victim and then have broken their hearts, and just occaisionally we've managed to get them arrested.
We may not get the scammer that you dealt with, though I see you posted his e-mail address and I bet one or two members have already tried to make contact with him. But I can assure you, that if he does happen to make contact with anyone from the baiting community then they'll make his life miserable. Just for you. |
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Billie Guest
Posted: Thu 02 Dec 2004 00:53 Post subject: victim |
Thank you so much for the kind words. I sure need them right now. My husband wants to leave me over this so today I signed up to take the State Tested Nursing Aides classes. They start Jan. 31 thru Feb. 23. Now if I can only hold on to my sanity until the classes are over, I will be able to support myself. My husband is being very paranoid. He says the FBI is following him and that they broke into our house and stole the 2 counterfeit cashier''s checks. I have no idea where they are. He hid them from me and he probably forgot where they are. He is bipolar. I just have to tough it out until I finish school, then I am out of here! I can't go through this every 2 years. It is too much stress on my heart and I already have a pacemaker. Thanks for listening. Hugs, Billie |
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CrimsonSapien Forum Member

Joined: 10 Nov 2004, 12:08 Posts: 58 Location: Uncle Sams Finest, Deutschland [GMT +1]
Posted: Thu 02 Dec 2004 09:05 Post subject: |
Good luck on your classes and your test Billie. I hope it all works out for you. It is good to hear that you are not leting this bad patch of luck bring you down. Remember "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!"
Keep in touch and lets know how your doing.
-CS- _________________ -CS- |
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Cherrie Victim Support

Joined: 10 Nov 2004, 15:40 Posts: 33 Location: Thailand
Posted: Thu 02 Dec 2004 09:16 Post subject: |
Same goes for me Billie.
Although you haven't heard from me lately, it doesn't mean that I'm not working hard to try and get this guy.
It's only a matter of time before we cross swords...never fear.
Cherrie |
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Old Coaster Forum Admin
Joined: 10 Nov 2004, 9:50 Posts: 123 Location: Usually Europe
Posted: Mon 06 Dec 2004 18:08 Post subject: |
This is just the tip of a very large iceberg. We are an internet community of over 4,000 members with links all over the world and we are doing our best to counter this menace. There are specialists here who attack the scammers (or mugus as we call them) in many different ways and we have close links with law enforcement as well.
Regretably, the mugus are very difficult to pin down, but whenever we have sufficient evidence we pass it on and we have had a number of scammers arrested and jailed. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to recover any cash paid to the scammers and please do not believe anyone who offers to recover your money for a fee. They are scammers!
Now the important thing is to stand up straight and be proud that you are getting through a hideous time in your life. You will survive and one day the sun will shine again. Believe me! When my wife died, I wanted to end it, but 6 years later, I am glad I did not as I have built a new life for myself and once again I enjoy each and every day.
OC |
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Splodge NEW Forum Member

Joined: 10 Nov 2004, 13:58 Posts: 3 Location: UK
Posted: Mon 06 Dec 2004 22:28 Post subject: |
Well said OC.
Billie, Im so pleased that you are gathering the strength to rise above what has happened.
I just wanted to wish you all the very best. Stay strong.
S. |
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Master shake Guest
Posted: Sat 15 Jan 2005 14:38 Post subject: Billie... |
...You have my deepest sympathies. Hopefully some of the guys on here can humiliate this scammer for what he did to you  |
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earl byington NEW Forum Member
Joined: 31 May 2005, 16:51 Posts: 1
Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2005 22:05 Post subject: the presidency federal republic of nigeria good or bad |
xcaluber wrote: | Welcome and please feel free to ask as many questions as you need to ask. We have 99.99999% of all the answers and those we don't have we will find for you.
If you feel uncomfortable with us or this forum in any way, please let us know so that we can remedy the problem. We are here to help. | [list=][url][img][/img][/url][/list] |
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Former Member *** Account closed at users request***
Joined: 10 Nov 2004, 19:33 Posts: 489
Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2005 22:53 Post subject: |
@earl byington:
Not quite sure what you are trying to post, but from the forum guidelines:
Quote: | Please avoid thread necromany (that is: posting in a thread that has been inactive for several months to bump it back to the top again). Old threads will usually little relevance anymore. Also, members that posted in it may not be around anymore. If you really want to bring up an old discussion again because you have something of value to add, post a new thread and put a link in it to the old thread. That way people do not have to read through all the old posts to see what is new. |
This thread was started in November 2004 and the last post was in January 2005. The thread is quite dead.
However your Post subject of: "the presidency federal republic of nigeria good or bad" is irrelevant as this is not a political forum. |
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Former Member2 *** Account closed at users request***

Joined: 10 Nov 2004, 12:07 Posts: 179 Location: Scotland
Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2005 23:25 Post subject: |
Thank you for making the point Eatyo. I think we'll turn out the light on this one. |
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Captain Igloo Server Admin

Joined: 09 Nov 2004, 19:56 Posts: 394 Location: Germany
Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2005 23:35 Post subject: |
Just to shed some light on this, i've got a message on the livehelp system from him by now, asking whether something is a scam - it is. |
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